
Swapping tokens on OneVerse Swap is a simple and intuitive process that allows users to easily exchange one Findora-based token for another. Swapping is facilitated by liquidity pools, which are smart contracts that hold balances of two unique tokens and enforce rules around depositing and withdrawing them.

To initiate a swap, a user selects an input token and an output token and specifies an input amount. The OneVerse Swap protocol then calculates how much of the output token they will receive, based on the constant product formula that governs the liquidity pool. Once the user executes the swap with one click, they will receive the output token in their wallet immediately.

Unlike traditional platforms, OneVerse Swap does not use an order book to represent liquidity or determine prices. Instead, OneVerse Swap uses an automated market maker mechanism to provide instant feedback on rates and slippage, ensuring that prices always trend toward the market-clearing price.

To ensure the safety and security of users, tokens must be transferred to the liquidity pool before initiating a swap. This means that swaps must be initiated from another smart contract, and users must have a basic understanding of how smart contracts work in order to participate in OneVerse Swap. All of this easily handled with our easy to use frontend design.

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