NEXUS is the lifeblood of the ONEverse gaming, serving as the gas token for all the in-game activities. It is the fuel that drives the reactions, crafting, somevoyages, and other features within the game. Whether you're embarking on a journey to explore the universe, crafting new items, or engaging in other in-game activities, NEXUS is the key to making it all happen.

With NEXUS, players will have the power to create and shape their own experiences within the ONEverse, and will be able to make their mark on the game world. Whether you're a seasoned veteran or a newcomer to the world of gaming, NEXUS provides the flexibility and versatility you need to make the most of your time in the ONEverse.

Nexus ($NEX)

  • A rare token needed for Molecule crafting, Egg Incubation, Egg Hatching, Ship Building, Ship Improvements, and beyond!

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